But after the death of his family, Anthony returns to the capital only to discover he is secretly the true heir to the throne(after your mother slept with the last king). All other versions, old and new, will vary from this guide.Īnthony Hailing was a young lord to a well renowned family. The following guide is based upon version 0.98. This is a free guide if you have paid a site and were redirected to this page, ask for your money back, it is a scam. This guide is fan-made and was created out of respect and for recreational fun. The following guide contains themes and characters that belong to Lesson of Passion. Please do head over to for more great games such as this one and support them! Hello everyone, welcome to my guide! In this guide you will find everything you need to get achievements, special events, endings and more in Seducing the Throne. Table of Contents: (Use CTRL ‘F’ and type the code to jump to the section you want)